Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Health Insurance in Morro Bay

 California is already begun setting up the new Health Insurance Exchange in accordance with The Affordable Care Act.   Starting in Fall 2013 an open enrollment will commence. You cannot be declined due to health issues.   It is looking like you will be able to shop IN or OUT of the new exchange.  The new plans will be given a rating group classified by different  Platinum, Gold, Silver,Bronze ect.  Tax credits to help the middle class Morro Bay residents afford insurance will become available for those with income between 100% and 400% of the poverty line who are not eligible for other affordable coverage. (In 2010, 400% of the poverty line comes out to about $43,000 for an individual or $88,000 for a family of four.) The tax credit is advance able, so it can lower your premium payments each month, rather than making you wait for tax time. It’s also refundable, so even moderate income families can receive the full benefit of the credit. These individuals may also qualify for reduced cost-sharing (co payments, co-insurance, and deductibles).

The implementation of this new Health Care Law is ever changing.  We currently consult with a specialist that is only studying these issues full time.   If you want to read the full law yourself visit the link below.

Morro Bay Health Insurance Solutions is the Local Expert in Health Insurance.  It's all we do! It's all we've ever done.  Unfortunately, the current agent that bundles all of your policies could not be as plugged in as we are.  If you want help making your health plan choices affordable and easy.  Call 235-0913 for an appointment today. I have a standing offer to anyone that wants to get insurance.  I will meet you for Coffee at Dorn's, or Bayside Cafe for a cup of coffee and counsel.  You will never pay a dime for my services.  Visit to shop and apply.  I look forward to helping you for many years to come. 

Nathan Hedges    Owner/Broker
Morro Bay Health Insurance Solutions
CA Lic# 0C01078